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Buna ISD

Building Better Cougars

About Our School Board

Preamble - The Board is the educational policy-making body for the District.  To effectively meet the challenges of public education, the Board and the superintendent must function together as a leadership team.  Each leadership team must annually assess its development needs as a corporate body and individually to gain its understanding of the vision, structure, accountability, advocacy, and unity needed in performance of all students.  The framework for school board development has been approved by the State Board of Education to provide the critical areas of development for all public school boards.

Election - Trustees are elected in November of each year.  Three or four positions are elected each biennium year to serve four year terms.  The Board of Trustees is elected by the citizens of Buna I.S.D.  Trustees serve without compensation, must be registered voters, and must reside in the district.

Duties - The Board makes major decisions regarding school policy, curriculum, and expenditures, but it is limited by law and rules set by the State Board of Education.  Other duties consist of adopting goals and objectives for the district, reviewing and acting on policies, adopting an annual budget, setting the tax rate, electing school personnel as recommended by the superintendent, and reporting to the public about the District's progress.

Meetings - The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Building located at 1022 Texas State Highway 62, Buna, TX.  All meetings are open to the public at 7:00 p.m.  Under the following circumstances, Texas law permits the Board to go into a closed session: to discuss prospective gifts or donations,  real property acquisition, personnel issues including conferences with employees and employee complaints, security matters, student discipline, or to consult with attorneys regarding pending legislation and litigation.

Special Meetings - Meetings may be called when necessary.  A written notice of regular and special meetings will be posted on the front window outside the front door of the administration building at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting time.  The written notice will show the date, time, place, and subjects of each meeting. (In emergencies, a meeting may be held with two hours notice).

Patrons may address the board in the following matter -  Patrons wishing to participate in the Open Forum part of the board meeting shall sign up as they arrive, indicating the topic about which they wish to speak.  Comments should be limited to three minutes.  If there is a group with the same issue, one individual should be designated as the spokesperson.  No derogatory statement about any board member or employee of Buna I.S.D. should be made at this time, and the use of the name of an individual is not permitted.  No action will be taken at the meeting; however, the matter may be referred to the Superintendent for review.